Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jools Get Some Mexican Heat

Some may call it flamenco in the new century. Others say its something they never seen before in their life. I call it fantastic guitar playing. Rodrigo y Gabriela are a brother and sister acoustic guitar duo who used fast guitar strumming and guitar body slapping to create a whole new different kind of music. These two kids from Mexico has taken an old Mexican guitar style and taken it to a whole new level. Playing covers of classic songs from Led Zepplin, Metellica, Pink Floyd, etc and taking it to a whole new level. They will blow you away with the way they play and the sounds that come out from their guitars. They are a joy to watch.

1 comment:

  1. These guys are amazing. I've heard them on the radio before and had no idea they were just two guitars. It is something else seeing them play live. Wow!
